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Bor-Tsuen Lin


Name:         Bor-Tsuen Lin (林栢村)

Position:     Distinguished Professor

Tel:             +886-76011000 ext. 32222

Email:        bt_lin@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        F307

Website:     http://www2.nkfust.edu.tw/~pdal/


  • Product Development Automation Laboratory


  • Ph.D., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Michigan, USA
  • M.S., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Michigan, USA
  • B.S., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Tamkang University, ROC

Research Interests:

  • Design and analysis of stamping dies, Design of precision mechinary, Intelligent design system, Vehicle Engineering

Ming-Shyan Huang


Name:         Ming-Shyan Huang (黃明賢)

Position:     Distinguished Professor

Tel:             (886) 7-601-1000ext. 32219, 32284, 32254

Email:        mshuang@nkust.edu.tw

Office:         F419, College of Engineering Building, First Campus, NKUST


  • Injection Molding Laboratory

Professor Huang is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Mechatronics Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (NKUST). He graduated from National Taiwan University in Mechanical Engineering in 1987; obtained his M.S. degree in Systems Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 1991 and Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1994. He worked for Victor-Taichung Machinery Works Group four years before lecturing at NKUST since 1999. He had served as Dean of the International Affairs Office, the Director of Teaching and Learning Center, and the founding Director of the Injection Molding Laboratory at NKUST. Professor Huang has a wide range of experience, particularly in the promotion of injection molding technology. He had over 20 patents and published over 70 international journal papers in the areas of injection molding, system dynamics and control, industrial design. He served on the board of a public traded company in domestic. He is currently advising several companies in Taiwan and China.


  • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A, 1994
  • M.S. in Systems Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, U.S.A, 1991
  • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 1987


  • Injection Molding
  • Quality Monitoring and Control
  • System Dynamics and Control
  • Machine Learning

Yu Sen Yang


Name: Yu-Sen Yang(楊玉森) 

Position: Professor

Tel: +886-76011000 ext. 32292

Fax: (07) 601-1066


Office: B441


  • Material Test Lab.
  • Heat Treatment Lab.
  • Metallography Lab.


  • Ph.D., Dept. of Material Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University, TAIWAN

Research Interests:

  • Surface Coating and Technology
  • Physical Metallurgy
  • Metal Processing and Heat Treatment

Prof. Yang's specialization is in the field of Materials Science. Before coming to NKFUST, he worked with Tsang Yow Company and the Metal Research and Develop Centre. His research interests are currently focused on the development of thin-film coatings. Work is currently being carried out to develop an optimum process for coating materials with DLC and nitride hard coatings. The mechanical properties of metallic thin films and multilayers are also being investigated. Dr. Yang also specializes in the use of advanced methods for characterizing the properties of materials, such as electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and x-ray diffraction.

Dr. Yang teaches Materials Science courses in the Department, including Introduction to Materials Science, Physical Metallurgy, Surface Engineering, Electron Microscope, Mold materials and heat treatment.

 Research Areas:

  • Development and fabrication of thin-film coatings using unbalanced magnetron sputtering.
  •  Mechanical properties of materials and their relation to microstructure and heat treatment

Chih-Tsong Su


Name:         Chih-Tsong SU (蘇啟宗) 

Position:     Professor

Tel:             +886-76011000 ext. 32213

Email:        jerrysu@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        F309


  • Ph.D., Dept. of Industrial Engineering, The University of Arizona, USA

Research Interests:

  • Precision Machining
  • High Speed Spindle
  • Vibration Test Analysis
  • Precision Machine Design
  • Ergonomics


Yung-Tien Liu


Name:         Yung-Tien Liu (劉永田) 

Position:     Professor

Tel:            +886-76011000 ext. 32220

Email:        ytliu@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        F410



  • Mechatronics Laboratory


  • Dr. Eng., Dept. of Precision Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
  • M.S., Dept. of Precision Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
  • B.S., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Sci&Tech, Taiwan

Research Interests:

  • Aspheric Ultraprecision Machining, Design of Tool Servo Mechanisms, Precision Posititioning Using PZT Actuators, Laser Interferometry System, Automation Technology

Jian-Long Kuo


Name:         Jian-Long Kuo (郭見隆) 

Position:     Professor

Tel:             +886-76011000 ext. 32291

Email:         jlkuo@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        B308


  • Ph.D., Dept. of Electrical Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, TAIWAN

Research Interests:

  • Electrical Vehicle
  •  PV Solar System
  • Power Electronics
  • DSP Digital Power Control
  • Touch Panel and LCD Display

Yung-Chang Cheng


Name:         Yung-Chang Cheng (鄭永長) 

Position:     Professor

Tel:            +886-76011000 ext. 32293

Email:        yccheng@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        B440

Website:     http://www2.nkfust.edu.tw/~yccheng/


  • Vibration System Laboratory


  • Ph.D., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, ROC
  • M.S., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, ROC
  • B.S., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Tatung University, ROC

Research Interests:

  • Dynamic and derailment analysis of railway vehicle system, Design and stress analysis of bike, Design and stress analysis of dental implants, Design of experiment, Optimization design

Wen-Cheng Kuo


Name:        Wen-Cheng Kuo (郭文正) 

Position:     Associate Professor

Tel:             +886-76011000 ext. 32295

Email:        rkuo@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        R306


  • Ph.D., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, TAIWAN.

Research Interests:

  • Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS)
  • Micro-fabrication
  • Screw rotors design and fabrication
  • Research and development of parylene deposition technologies
  • Bio-implantable systems

Tsung-Liang Wu


Name:         Tsung-Liang (Anthony) Wu

Position:     Associate Professor

Tel:             +886-7-6011000 ext. 32214

Email:        wut@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        B413


  • University of Washington, ME, PhD (WA, USA)
  • St. Thomas University, MBA (FL, USA)
  • National Taiwan University, ME, MS
  • National Cheng-Kung University, ME, BS

Research Interests:

  • Intelligent manufacture with machine learning-based
  • Analysis for highly coupled vibratory signals
  • Finite element and finite volume analyses
  • Study on applications for industrial robot

Po-Wen Hsueh


Name:         Po-Wen Hsueh (薛博文) 

Position:     Assistant Professor

Tel:            +886-76011000 ext. 32212

Fex:           +886-7-601-1066

Email:       hpowen@nkust.edu.tw

Office:       F420


  • Intelligent Man-Machine and Power-Assisted Control System


  • Ph.D., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
  • M.S., Dept. of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University Taiwan

Research Interests:

  • Man-Machine Servo Control System
  • Mechatronic Systems
  • Design and Control of Power-Assisted Systems
  • Application and Management of Energy Saving

Chun-Chih Kuo


Name:         Chun-Chih Kuo

Position:     Assistant Professor

Tel:             +886-7-6011000 ext. 32217

Email:        cck@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        F405


  • Intelligent Stamping & Manufacturing Lab. (T104)


  • Ph. D., Dept. IEST, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, ROC
  • M.S., Dept. MAE, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, ROC
  • A.S., Dept. MDE, National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology, ROC

Research Interests:

  • Sheet metal forming, CAD/CAE/CAM Integrated System, Processes Optimization, 5-axis NC program design and manufacture

Rong-Fong Fung


Name:         Rong-Fong Fung (馮榮豐) 

Position:     Chair Professor

Tel:             +886-76011000 ext. 32238

Email:        rffung@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        F361

Website:     http://www2.nkfust.edu.tw/~rffung/


  • Dynamics and Control of Opto-mechatronic System


  • Ph.D., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
  • M.S., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Chung-Yuan University.
  • B.S., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,  National Chung-Hsin University.

Research Interests:

  • Energy-saving trajectory planning and nonlinear controlm for mechatronic systems
  • Optical optimal design for Head-lamp of Vehicle

Wen-Long Yao


Name:        Wen-Long Yao (文隆) 

Position:     Distinguished Professor

Tel:            +886-76011000 ext. 32216

Email:        yao@nkust.edu.tw

Office:       F417

Website:     http://www2.nkfust.edu.tw/~yao/


  • Digital Engineering Laboratory


  • Ph.D., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
  • M.S., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
  • B.S., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Feng Chia University, ROC
  • G.E. 2005 Advanced Manager Short Course Training Program, Certificate

Research Interests:

  • Creativity, Reverse Engineering and Rapid Prototyping, Virtual Reality, Mechatronics, Digital Direct Manufacturing, Integrated Control and Monitoring of Energy Systems


Tung-Kuan Liu

Name:        Tung-Kuan Liu (劉東官)

Phone:       +886-76011000 ext. 32224/32235

E-Mail:      tkliu@nkust.edu.tw


Educational Background

  • Ph.D.(1997) Information Science of Tohoku University Japan. (1994 / April~1997 / March)
  • M.S.(1994) Information Science of Tohoku University Japan. (1992 / April~1994 / March
  • B.S.(1992)  Mechanical Engineering of  Akita University Japan.(1989 / April~1992 / March

Career Experiences

  • Professor Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering & Graduate Program of Industrial Design (February 2011) National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology Taiwan. (國立高雄第一科技大學 教授)
  • Associate Professor and Acting Director Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering & Graduate Program of Industrial Design (May 2010 to July 2010) National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology Taiwan. (國立高雄第一科技大學 代理主任)
  • Associate Professor and Associate Director Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering & Graduate Program of Industrial Design (August 2008 to July 2010) National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology Taiwan. (國立高雄第一科技大學 副教授且兼任副主任)
  • Associate Director Precision Mold And Die Research & Development Center(2008)  National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology Taiwan. (國立高雄第一科技大學模具技術研發中心  副主任)
  • Adjunct Associate Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering(February 2006 to July 2008) National Sun Yat-sen University (國立中山大學   兼任副教授)
  • Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering & Graduate Program of Industrial Design (February 2005 to January 2011) National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology Taiwan. (國立高雄第一科技大學 副教授)
  • Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering (July 2000 to January 2005) National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology Taiwan. (國立高雄第一科技大學 助理教授)
  • Manager, (October 1997 to August 2000) INSTITUTE FOR INFORMATION INDUSTRY(資訊工業策進會    資深經理)
  • Adviser Intelligent control analysis ( June 1997 to October 1997)Nan Rong Mechanical Co.Ltd(南嶸機械股份有限公司顧問)

Research Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Multiobject Optimization Technology
  • Airline Crew Rostering and Production Scheduling Technology
  • Supply Chain Management Technology

Frank Y. F. Tzeng


Name:         Frank Y. F. Tzeng (曾奕丰) 

Position:     Professor

Tel:             +886-76011000 ext. 32226

Email:        franktzeng@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        B419


  • Energy Beam Processing Laboratory


  • Ph.D., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The Liverpool University, ENGLAND
  • M.S., Dept. of Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering, University of S. A., AUSTRALIA
  • B.S., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University,  R.O.C.

Research Interests:

  • Laser Material Processing, Electric Discharge Machining (EDM), Micr Machining, Hybrid Machining, Taguchi Methods,  Multi-objective Process  Optimization

Jyh-Cheng Yu


Name:         Jyh-Cheng Jason YU (余志成) 

Position:     Professor

Tel:             +886-76011000 ext. 32228

Email:         jcyu@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        F308

Website:     http://www2.nkust.edu.tw/~jcyu/


  • Concurrent Engineering Design Laboratory, Microsystem Fabrication Laboratory


  • Ph.D., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, USA
  • M.S., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, USA
  • B.S., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, ROC

Research Interests:

  • Design and fabrication of microsensor, Design of light guide, Domestic robot, Robust Optimization, Concurrent Engineering Design

Chi-Chang Hsieh


Name:         Chi-Chang Hsieh (謝其昌) 

Position:     Professor

Tel:             +886-76011000 ext. 32294

Email:        cchsieh@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        F306


  • Ph.D., Dept. of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, TAIWAN

Research Interests:

  • Design and Application of Geometrical Optics
  • Design of LED Lighting
  • MEMS Process 

Luo, Guang Min


Name:         Luo, Guang Min

Position:     Professor

Tel:             +886-7-6011000 ext. 32290

Email:        gmluo@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        B416


  • PhD in Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan University

  • Master of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan University

  • Bachelor of Systems Engineering and Naval Architecture, National Taiwan Ocean University

Research Interests:

  • FRP composite material mechanics
  •  VARTM process
  •  computer-aided engineering analysis
  •  structural dynamics, ship and submarine structure
  •  mold flow analysis

Jin-Bin Yang


Name:         Jin-Bin Yang (楊俊彬) 

Position:     Associate Professor

Tel:             +886-76011000 ext. 32223

Email:        binbin@nkust.edu.tw 

Office:        B407


  • Ph.D., Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, TAIWAN

Research Interests:

  • Materials Engineering
  • Metal forming Process and Tooling Design

Chen-Jung Li


Name:         Chen-Jung Li (李振榮) 

Position:     Associate Professor

Tel:             +886-76011000 ext. 32229

Email:        cjli@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        B411

Website:     http://www2.nkust.edu.tw/~cjli/


  • Precision and Micro Manufacturing Technology Laboratory


  • Ph.D., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, USA
  • M.S., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Penn State University, USA
  • B.S., Dept. of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Research Interests:

  • Industrial Robot Control Systems
  • CNC Machining Processes and Control
  • Microsystem Design
  • Precision Manufacturing

Wu-Sung Yao


Name:        Wu-Sung Yao(姚武松) 

Position:     Associate Professor

Tel:             +886-76011000 ext. 37616

Fax:            (07) 601-1066

Email:        wsyao@nkust.edu.tw

Office:        R216


  • Ph.D. in Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University Tainan, Taiwan
  • M.S. in Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University Tainan, Taiwan
  • B.S. in Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University Tainan, Taiwan

Research Interests:

  • Servo Control, Application of Advanced Control Technologies Using Digital Signal Processors (DSPs)
  • Piezoelectric
  • Mechatronics